[extremeperl] Book: Higher Order Perl
Terrence Brannon
2005-03-29 12:57:59 UTC
The net effect of being a purely functional language is that Haskell
forces you to decompose problems differently.
I always thought that was the customer's job. ;-) Seriously, is there
any evidence that forcing programs to decompose problems the Haskell
way is any better than the Perl way?
"A Spectacular Example" - Slide 27 in Mark-Jason Dominus' talk Strong
Typing With Perl:

The Haskell approach isolates those portions of your program (into
Monads), that fold into its functional worldview.
Since any real projects I do nowadays involves a database, I was
curious how Haskell handled SQL, and it turns out that it "unwraps"
The main evangelist for Haskell is about to join this list and address
this question.
Do you have experience with this? Is it better to program this way
than with good old SQL?
you can do that sort of programming in Haskell too.
about your source code, the net result is that when you say "y = m * x + b"
the compiler has a pretty good idea of what you mean, without cluttering
up your code with type declarations and casting back and forth.
Compiling, how quaint. :-) I've got a friend who programs Eiffel for
a living. He waits 20 mins for the compiler to work things out before
httpd -X
and even in the most complex systems, it takes just a few seconds on a
2.4ghz processor before I can validate the end-user semantics of my
change. If there is a defect, my test tells me.
With Haskell, you can reason about the correctness of your code. With
Perl you must test.

By testing, what you are doing is selecting certain values from a
set. But: a set of values is a Haskell type!

In a strongly typed functional language, reasoning by proof gives you
100% _certainty_ that a certain function works for all input. There is
no need to test.

When you create a test, you are basically saying that the input is
poorly specified and you hope that Perl will be able to handle the
type-checking on the fly for you, either by object-oriented delegation
or type-casting.
Are there any studies out there that compare programming Perl vs
Haskell to do the same job?
Here are the Perl cookbook examples done in 10 other languages
including Haskell:

Carter's Compass: I know I'm on the right track when,
by deleting something, I'm adding functionality.